Last date of submission of application is on 25/07/2023
B.Sc. Nursing Second allotment will be ehld on 14/12/2021.(Click here to see more)

Our Courses


The duration of the course is four years. The rules regarding the method of selection to the B.Sc Nursing Degree Course and other rules regarding the admission process are provisional and subject to the guidelines, orders and instructions issued by the Government, Indian Nursing Council, Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council, Kerala University of Health Science, Admission Supervisory Committee. All the applicants seeking admission to the B.Sc Nursing Degree Course for the academic year 2018-19 are bound by the final decisions of the above mentioned statutory bodies and Courts of Law.

First year B.Sc Nursing Degree Course (12 months)

1 st year (October to September)

Subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology, Nutrition & Biochemistry, Psychology, Nursing Foundations, Introduction to Computers and English

Three sessional examinations and Model Exam will be held.

University First year B.Sc Nursing Degree examination will be held in September/October and supplementary in April/ May.

Second year B.Sc Nursing Degree Course (12 months)

2nd year (October to September)

Subjects: Medical Nursing including Pathology, Surgical Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Pharmacology and Sociology.

Three sessional examinations and Model Exam will be held.

University second year B.Sc Nursing Degree examination will be held in September/October and supplementary in April/ May.

Third year B.Sc Nursing Degree Course (12 months)

3rd year (October to September)

Subjects: Medical Surgical Nursing II including Geriatrics, Mental Health Nursing, Paediatric Nursing and Nursing Research and Statistics.

Three sessional examinations and Model Exam will be held.

University Third year B.Sc Nursing Degree examination will be held in September/October and supplementary in April/ May.

Fourth year B.Sc Nursing Degree Course (12 months)

4th year (October to September)

Subjects: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Administration and Nursing Education.

Three sessional examinations and Model Exam will be held.

University Fourth year B.Sc Nursing Degree examination will be held in September/October and supplementary in April/ May.

Attendance Rule

Regular and punctual attendance for lectures, demonstration, and seminars, practical’s, laboratory work, clinical demonstrations, class and term examination etc. is compulsory. Each student must attend:

  • Minimum 80% of attendance separately in clinics/practical’s and theory is mandatory for appearing for university examination.
  • Students who do not keep the requisite attendance and whose progress and conduct not considered satisfactory as per University rules will not be allowed to appear for the University examination.


  • Ragging: Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in all member colleges. Any student who indulges in any form of ragging will be subjected to penal action as per provisions of law. Also the student will be expelled from the college as detailed in the law concerned and as per Honourable Supreme Court of India directions in this regard.
  • Use of Mobile Phone: Use of Mobile Phone by students are not allowed in the campuses and hostels. Any violation of this prohibition will lead to stringent disciplinary action by the college authorities.